#20 Work it out: Our Favorite Couples Workout
With so much motivation to get and/or stay in shape at the start of 2017, we at Love, 50 Ways decided to formulate a couples workout that you can do together with your loved one. In order to do this, we met with Training Specialist, Matt Dial to come up with a workout that is not only fun, but that can also be done by anyone, regardless of experience.
This workout was designed to be done at home or at the gym. It can be completed in under an hour. In doing this workout you will target some of the most important muscles in your body including your upper body, back, abs, and legs–all while helping you and your partner feel more connected.
The key to all of this is to work at your own pace and really focus on the quality time you are spending with your love. Laugh, mess around, and enjoy working hard together. Getting out and exercising together will do wonders for your relationship–and we’d love to hear all about it!
So, try it out and let us know how it goes! Be sure to comment with your own personal favorites, share experiences, and share our post with anyone looking for scientifically proven ways to be happier and feel more connected in their relationship!
1. Seated Towel Rows – Back, Biceps
Sitting on the floor, with knees bent at a 45 degree angle, brace against partners feet facing one another. Fold towel in half, so one partner holds both ends of the towel, while the opposite grips folded end of the towel about shoulder width apart.
Alternate “rowing” the towel towards belly button. Don’t focus so much on arm movement, but try to visualize pinching a pencil in between your shoulder blades. While performing the row, your partner should be pulling against the towel for resistance.
4 sets of 15-20 repetitions
2. High Five Push up
Get in push up position (modify according to difficulty) facing one another. Perform a simultaneous push up, then “high five” your partner (both starting with right hand) coming across your body. Keep the core tight throughout the working set, and focus on pushing up through your elbows and not your hands.
4 sets of 10 repetitions (with each hand)
3. High Five sit ups
Lying on the floor, interlock with your partner’s feet. Extend hands high above your head. Perform sit up, and high five your partner at the end of the sit up with hand still extended.
4 sets of 20 repetitions
4. Partner Body squats
Lean against one another facing opposite directions (back to back). Feet should be shoulder width apart with toes pointed slightly outward. Start by doing a “wall sit” for 10 seconds at a 90 degree angle. After ten seconds, extend knees fully, standing up straight (still back to back). Perform 5 regular body squats. At the bottom of the squat both you and your partner’s knees should be slightly below a 90 degree angle before extending.With so much motivation to get and/or stay in shape at the start of 2017, we at Love, 50 Ways decided to formulate a couples workout that you can do together with your loved one. In order to do this, we met with Training Specialist, Matt Dial to come up with a workout that is not only fun, but that can also be done by anyone, regardless of experience.
Perform this set 6 times total
Matt Dial
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Hypertrophy Training Specialist