Looking for a last minute gift?? What Your Partner Wants for Valentine’s Day According to Science
Happy Valentine’s Day!!
If you forgot to get something for your significant other for Valentine’s Day, or just are looking to make today even more special, look no further! We at Love 50 Ways got you covered. Here is what He/She said about what they want for Valentine’s Day…
What She Said:
” if men (hint, hint) could use their intellect to create a meaningful gift, women would likely find it desirable, regardless of whether they have just started dating or have been married for many years.”
So, basically, all she wants is for you to try. Put in some effort! Try to be meaningful and make it special. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just as long as she sees the effort she’ll be impressed.
What He Said:
“Evolutionary theory predicts men desire characteristics associated with youth, health, and child-rearing abilities. These include all sorts of physical cues that are related to the production of healthy offspring such as: youth, clear skin, hair, low body mass, a curvy physique…I’m guessing, regardless of the science, this isn’t going to be my gift this year, or any year.”
BUT, here’s the key. He goes on to say that just being with his Valentine is more than enough. If you want to impress your man this Valentine’s Day, notice him, compliment him, make him know just how special he is to you–put him first today.
To learn more about the science behind all these and from where this information came, read more at: http://www.scienceofrelationships.com/home/2012/2/8/she-saidhe-said-what-to-get-your-partner-for-valentines-day.html